Underground Comix

Patrick Rosenkranz
one of the premier scholars of the underground comix movement of the 1960s and 1970s, has been writing about comix since 1969. He wrote his first history of underground comix, Artsy Fartsy Funnies in 1974. He has since written numerous articles and essays about comix for a variety of publications.
In 2002, Fantagraphics Books published RebelVisions: The Underground Comix Revolution 1963-1975, which chronicles the inception and development of the artistic revolution that changed comics forever.

Rebel Visions, The Underground Revolution
You Call This Art?!? A Greg Irons Retrospective
The Artist Himself: A Rand Holmes Retrospective
The Mythology of S. Clay Wilson Volumes 1-3
The Adventures of Spain Rodriguez Volumes 1-5
Underground Classics:
The Transformation of Comics into Comix
A Jay Lynch Anthology
The Lost Worlds of
George Metzger
Jay Lynch: Keeping Up With The Kids
Rand Holmes Exhibition on Lasqueti Island
Who the Hell is Robert Ronnie Branaman?
The Heart of Collecting